Monday, October 31, 2011

Jonathan's Blog

NANOWriMo Prep
HW:RJ 9.1

The class is reading this poem thing I think. The class sounds weird when they say the parts of the poem all together. Right now we're watching a video about a witch making a potion or casting a spell. This video's weird. We're about to take the spa test or something like that. I'm bored and I don't like tests. We just finished testing for today. Now we're signing this nanowrimo contract. Rebecca's in her own imaginary world she was closing her eyes and acting like as if she was making a potion or casting a spell or something like that. Rebbeca's acting really weird. I think that shes eaten too much candy today. Now we're packing up and the bell just rung. got to go bye :0 :) :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Maylan's Blog

SPA Review
NaNoWriMo Prep
RJ/Book Projects

Why did Raul have to pick me. He could've picked...whatever her name is. Well I really don't know what to talk about. Ms. Nakada is talking about idioms. Didn't we learn that in like 4th grade? Chris told me to talk about him in the blog...what can I say...your football team sucks (not to be mean). Well you're like the best on the team. The class is quiet (that's weird and scary) Why did Sebastian spray paint his hair? If he still had his hair like he did last year he would look like carrot top. I wonder what people are going to be for Halloween. Imaa be a NERD! Luis told me to make the blog funny...If this isn't good for you guys then ohh well I don't care...Robert is so annoying. He asks me questions all the time. Like Do you like pancakes and Can I say banana like ughh be quiet (I was going to put shut up but I'm a nice person). Ms. Nakada just screamed...She's talking about some book. Rene is talking to himself<---weirdo. Kohrie said she wrote a personal narrative about a tooth hahaa WOW! Kohrie thinks she's famous because people talk about her in their blog...Get outta here. Jonathan told me I can pick him next soo I guess I pick him. The bells about to ring so Byee :-/Maylan is mean. (by Kohrie)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Raul's Greatest Blog Ever

Rj 8.1-8.5
Book Projects Due Friday

Arlicia picked me for the blog. I am so scared and I don't know what to write about. Ms. Nakada is talking about the novel writing month thing. Mmmmm I'm thinking. I don't know what to write about. Khorie is so loud. I was clueless in what to do until I asked Wyatt. Kohrie is really weird and I'm still clueless. I don't know what to write about. For the first time the class is not that loud. I almost dropped the computer OMG. I need Brandon to help me in the blog. His blog was so inspirational. Who likes my username for the NaNoWriMo Chunkymonkey20? This is not boring but I don't know what to write about. Today is a long day of class. I don't know what to say to make my blog funny. I see kids outside playing. They are getting Physical. I am in POD 2. OMG why is everybody asking me about my username? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It sounds like I'm meditating but im thinking. I just heard Ghetto music playing. Ms. Nakada is telling everybody to sit down. It is 1:26. I have to write until 2:15. This kid behind me is so loud and annoying. Nobody is requesting me. Ms. Nakada is telling everybody to pass the piece paper around. Chris just elbowed me in the head i dont think it was by accident. I'm so sad Ms. Nakada doesnt want to be my friend ima cry. (thanks a lot Ms. Nakada) I just saw Kohrie crawling on the ground what a big baby. I just heard my name. OMG Diana Hernandez is so annoying. Diana we dont need to hear your story. My Blog is nothing compared to Brandon's. Kids outside are screaming. I hate this NaNoWriMo thing too much work. I'm just spinning around in my chair. Class is about to end Yesssssssssss. I gotta pack up and leave Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Arlicia's Blog

English 8
NaNoWriMo Prep
Writer's Workshop
HW...RJ 8.2-8.4
Book Projects
Due Friday

Well, today I'm doing the blog:( Ms.Nakada is talking about novels and what the definition is. Now we're making a list of things we like about a book we've read before. (By the way my blog wont be funny so dont get yuor hopes up:D). Jaden was right this is boring... Now people are sharing what they wrote to the class. Well, Robert said he liked Ms. Nakada's book because they called her names. Then Luis said The Outsiders was his favorite book. That's probably because it the only book hes ever actually read. So now we have to write about our main character. Yes!!! Im finally done..we have to finish our main character discriptions for homework...bye bye:D

Monday, October 24, 2011

jayden's blog

English scores
Na No Wri Mo
hw: rj 8.1book reports due fri.
      In class we were finishing up our personal narratives. Ms. Nakada was passing out graded work. Alex was telling me how he feels for some reason. Some students were asking Ms.Nakada about the narratives. Surprisingly the class wasn't as noisy as it usually is. WOW. I am so annoyed sitting at this computer thanks a lot Wyatt. Diana just walked over and said"HI". I can't stop looking at this pic of Mr. Hastings in a pink dress it's unnatural but a bet is a bet. Xavier told me to choose Arlicia so I guess I am. All I can hear is Naomi and Robert laughing adout something. Man this is boring. Why won't the bell ring? Ms. Nakada walked around asking students do they have there reading journals. Everyone turned in there alpha smarts and then Kohrie was passing out a packet about the NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH. And how we have to write 20,000 words in 30 days. The bell rang so bye. {P.S. I choose Arlicia for the blog.}  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wyatt's blog >_0

writer's /reader's workshop
hw:NONE YAY :)

So, I got chosen for the blog today >.0 (my special face) so uhmmmm oh uhhh the kid whats his name... I think it's Brandon well anyway he read his very.... "special" blog and Ms. Nakada is reading her story yay! Imma listen to it! Awww this is so cute!!! lol Sebastian is responding to everything she says in her story... lol someone said oh my god lol! awwwwww her story was sooooo good everyone is clapping now xD.... lol I just saw my friend doing a weird hand dance in Mr. Greany's class!!! Yay alpha smarts. Imma go get mine!!! Ugh not yet apparently.... who should I pick next??? Jayden told me to pick Xavier so I think I might pick Jayden lol maybe not...... lol I just saw my other friend asleep in Mr. Greany's class asleep. lol so anyway brb gotta get my alpha smart!!! Kayla is looking @ the blog... >_0 and so was Maria lol. I got my alpha smart and I finished my essay and Ms. Nakanda says its too long. It's 946 words long... lool OMG ITS FRIDAY I GET TO GO TO LEAP!!!! leap is an after school program on Fridays in Mr. Oakes's room and you get to play games and stuff. It's really fun... ew... I've typed a lot so Imma go do my essay for now byeee.... Wow sebastian just ran out of the room...ugh my alpha smart keeps turning off and someone is playing music..... OMG I SEEEEE a picture of Mr. Hastings dressed up as a duck. Diana just asked if I wanted to read hers and I said yes and she walked away... >.0  What time do we get out??? ohhh we get out at 2:08. Thank you Diana!!!!  No, thank you to diana okay? Diana typed that.... lol Diana's essay is weird. It's about a gothic band. Well, we're putting away alphasmarts and Diana put mine away for me. Yay! Well the bell's about to ring so bye. DANG THIS IS LONG!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Brandon's blog

YES! I finally get to do the blog! For some reason, people don't like doing it. So! Ms. Nakada just finished her story. It was about how her husband proposed. Though it was weird because he used... carrots... strange much? Everyone just got their alpha-smarts to start again on their stories. Mine is about how I lived in Texas for a year. I'm excited to finish it, but I've got a blog to do! I really enjoy doing this. I hear Mr. Greaney talking to his class. I still have no idea who to pick next. I hear the clicking of people's alpha smarts. That's all I really hear right now. (pitter-patter-pitter-patter) I'm wishing for a comfortable chair right now, and Ms. Nakada isn't at the computer like she usually is. I really want to thank Naomi again for picking me. Lucky, IT'S WEDNESDAY!! So I get to do the blog extra long. JOY!! Too bad I can't read it tomorrow because it's Thursday. (That stinks). For some reason I think back to the day I stayed home in the morning longer because it was raining and I didn't have pants.(That gave me enough time to finish watching a Transformers G1 episode.) So Dad and I scoured the city for blue khakis until we finally hit the Macy's near Century City. We got the pants,(and a cool Lakers outfit) and headed home and as it turns out, it was Wednesday! (Flash-back over :p) Now I can proceed to continuing the blog! (Notice how I rolled the P there?) The phone is ringing and Ms. Nakada picks it up and hangs up after the message is relayed. It feels cold and I feel all fuzzy inside. (Flash-back time again!) I think back to last Christmas, when I got my first M game, the Christmas before that, when I was in a rented apartment, and Christmas 4 years ago, when I was playing Lego Star Wars 2. Me and my brother, Chris (at the time age 10) had just finished the game. At New Year's eve, we wondered in 2012 what would happen. (Flash-backs over again) Darn, looks like there's too much! Maybe we can make this blog into a Christmas Special! (What? It's not like YOU have any ideas.) Or maybe we can use this as a Three-part special blog. (Hey, a guy can dream can't he?) I look at the WILSON football and wonder,"who's ball is that?" Uh-oh, I feel another flash-back coming on. (For Pete's sake!) This time I think back to last Christmas again how my dad got a spare mattress and I slept in the bathroom. (Go ahead and laugh. I don't mind. Oh and the flash-back is over). Those blasted crows out side are driving me MAD! I wonder how much longer class is and if i can read all this in a single period on Friday! (Oh and Ms. Nakada, please don't delete my flash-backs). Wow, all the progress you can make in an hour! Whew.....Aww man! The breeze is causing another flash-back! (Ugggh!) It was long, long ago in an apartment far, far away.....OK not really I just wanted to make a Star Wars reference. It was long ago in an apartment that was in the watchful eye of the Mormon temple. It was when I got my PsP (PlayStation Portable. that is for Ms. Nakada). Now I must work on my narrative. Ach! My back is killing me! I've been working on my narrative. Class is soon ending. (*Gulp*) I really don't want to stop typing.  But the rule says I have to. So! I hope you enjoyed my blog and I'll catch you later. Sayonara! (or how ever you spell it.)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Naomi's Blog

behavior :(
Personal Narrative drafts
HW: RJ 7.2

So, Antwon picked me to do the Blog today because I wouldn't say 'hi' back when he said 'hi', instead I said 'bye'... so yeah.

Yesterday, Mrs. Nakada was absent so Mr.Perez was our substitute teacher and because we weren't able to finish working on our Roller Coaster Plots; we're continuing today. Mrs. Nakada is using the day her husband proposed to her as an example to help us. People are starting to get the alpha smarts....I got to go get mine tooo! Ok, I'm working. Mrs. Nakada is calling on people to read from the beginning of their stories. Well I got to go it's Tuesday and class ends early so the bell's about to ring. Bye!

P.S.- Antwon, I will never be your friend

Friday, October 14, 2011

Antwon's Blog

Today Bryana isn't here so Diana read Bryana's blog. So all 8th graders went to the auditorium to go see a guy talk about bullying. He was saying that his son killed himself from somebody bulling him his son didn't like to get bulled he was a young kid and was always playing with his friend and never bulled anyone his dad went to the WHITE HOUSE to meet the president of the UNITED STATES. He was trying to make a law
for bullying.

Man, it's hot in this room. We then read a Maya Angelou excerpt from her memoir I Know Why The Caged Bird sings. We then heard her read a poem. Class is long today because of the assembly. People turned in their essays and Ms. Nakada collected essays. We are about to leave now so bye:):o>:(

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The Danger of A Single Story.
HW outsiders essay.....RJ 6.1-6.5

I was picked to do the blog, wow. We are about to take notes. Ms. Nakada said put ch.8 The danger of a  single story. She told us to set it up in Cornell notes. We are going to listen to a lady named Chimamanda Adichie. She is talking about a book named The Danger Of A Single Story. She was from Nigeria. Kori is staring at me again like she was in ET. The class is really quiet and paying attention to this lady speaking on a video were watching. Ms. Nakada paused the video and said what has she said so far. Someone yelled out ginger beer and Sebastian said she read British books. Ms. Nakada said when Adichie went to college she found African books. Kori looks likes she bout to go to sleep! Shocker Ms. Nakada asked what do we think about when some when she says Africa and Renee said giraffe LOL!  IT SO HOT.P eople are discussing grades. People are clapping their hands on the video and in the class.We are going over the outsiders essay. We're finishing our essays.We are about to take our next page of notes.We're talking about your personal essay. We are doing a timline on our life and Ms. Nakada said if you don't finish it you won't leave. So let me get to mine.The class is getting loud...Kohrie said, "why you put shocker." she likes sleeping....The bell is about to ring  so I'm going to end this now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gio's blog

English 8
Outsiders essay
hw: rj 6.2

Kohrie read the blog and then Rebecca told her to pick me. So then Ms. Nakada was telling us that we needed to submit our essays. So she explain what to do with the first draft. Then Ms. Nakada got mad at Rene because he wasn't concentrating. After that everybody went to work on there essay. It was very quiet. So class is almost about to end and the class started talking. Ms. Nakada told us that we have six more minutes. So the bell rang and yeah, so bye.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kohrie's Blog

We came into the Comp. Lab and a bunch of people were late. Then Robert read the blog and Rene opened his BIG MOUTH and said that I haven't done the blog yet now I'm doing this stupid thing, if only i didn't know how to type. Everyone is getting their Outsiders paper thingy and every time Xavier moves his keys jingle. Ms. Nakada said if they we need ear phones to write that we can and Luis is begging for some. I really don't want to stand in front of the class and read this. HATE having to do that. I'm bored this essay is so hard I always go blank when it comes to writing. The bell is going to ring so Bye :)

Friday, October 7, 2011



Ms. Nakada is talking about our essay about The Outsiders were going to write, I hate writing these sorta things.  Now Ms. Nakada is reading us an example of the essay. Now Rebecca with a K is looking at me, and laughing.  Ravinder just raised his hand and was telling me how to spell his name.  Now Ms. Nakada is playing white noise like the sound of rain. Ohh and I forgot to tell how aweome Diana Mena is even more awesomer than me, and everybody in this whole class. Mary said I'm mental, but I know she's lying. Now this one kid is looking at me. It's boring.  Every one is now doing their Essay Response To Literature thing. Now Mary said I'm stupid because I gave her a highlighter pack. Coral Hernandez is now whispering something in Jennifer's ear then they came to look at my BLOG. Now they are talking about the fair. Rebecca is now looking at me again. I think she is jealous that I'm doing the BLOG and she's not. Ms. Nakada is now showing everybody their grades. Ms. Nakada showed me my grades. I know you don't care but I got a B, Chris got a C and Alex got a A and so did Diana Mena. She seems happy. Mary is looking at me again. Chris talks too much. THE BELL IS ABOUT TO RING, I'M ABOUT TO GO TO MS. SHANLEYS CLASS THEN HOME....DIANA MENA SAID "HI"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Diana's Blog

Quiz #1
Essay:Response to Lit.
5 week grades 
HW::R.J 5.1-5.5 due Friday

Ms.Nakada  is telling us what our scores are and she's passing our quiz back. We're correcting our quiz right now. We're still correcting our's raining outside. I'm bored I didn't even want to do the blog... but this kid picked me. I'm bored and I don't know what to write anymore. A bird just flew into the classroom. I don't see why people are screaming about it. Hannah wants me to pick Sebastian for the blog; I might pick him, but I wanted to pick Jayden because he told the kid that picked me to pick me so yeah. I'm waiting for the bell to ring I don't want to talk in front of the WHOLE class.
We're highlighting our response to lit outline and prewrite right now. Ms. Nakada is reading the prompt and her essay. I might as well pick Sebatian for the blog instead.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Essay; Resp. to lit
HW RJ 5.2-5.4

We came into class and copy down the Blog. Maria went up and read her blog that she wrote yesterday. After she read it she picked me to do the blog but i knew already that she was gona pick me because my friend told me at lunch. Now im doing the blog while the others are doing poetry. Ms Nakada is now talking about the story of Edan and some one else I forgot the name. Now there talking about ryming word or something lol. Ms Nakada is yelling at Sabastian if his taking notes because he wasnt paying attention. Right now there talking about the color green and that the color means a symbole of new or something. Also theyre talking about nature and comparing it to life -_-. I think that no theyre talking about religious stuff like every one sins and stuff like that. Raul is saying that his mom is six years old xD. Now the class is done with the poetry lesson now were moving to an essay lesson :(. Rebecca is now laghing and making fun of me beacuse im here on the computer doing the blog. Ms Nakada is telling us that we have to be prepare for high school. Now the class is learning how to write a paragraph like it needs a thesis statement. Ms Nakada just walked up to robert and shes like "wow your working!" and roberts like "yea you thought I was lieing?" lol. Now were learning how to write an essay and Ms Nakada told us to high light the notes we justed copied down. Now were just hight lighting and getting ready to leave class. Now Ms Nakada said that every 5 weeks we have to switch seats. Now were packing up the bell rang this means good bye.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Maria Sanchez's Blog

The Outsiders
My Score
"Nothing Gold Can Stay"
HW:RJ 5.1

We started the day by Ray reading the blog and decided to pick me to do the blog next. Rebecca went by me saying, "I'm getting a paper from the book case." I agree with Ray she is a wierdo, but she's my bestfriend so yeah. We then finished watching The Outsiders,while Ms. Nakada was collecting the projects that were due today. Some people had to do some A.R. testing so they used this computer.We are stilll watching The Outsiders. Now we are done watching the movie. We than did our class scores and put our worksheets that we did already inside. Then we packed up and the bell rang so bye bye!:)  We are leaving